Special Needs Professionals


Dear parent, carer, educator and concerned individual out there, it is very possible that you may notice an unusual pattern with a child’s development or learning process. Whilst your concern for the child may be genuine and is understandable, it is important that you don’t raise false alarms or give false hopes to anyone in a bid to appear competent and knowledgeable. There are professionals who are trained to diagnose developmental conditions in children. Please see the guide below for professionals who can help with issues related to a child’s development and learning. Let us try and refrain from giving diagnoses that we are not qualified to give. It causes undue pain.

SEN Professionals

Signs of Abuse in Children


As parents, carers and educators, we have the responsibility of looking out for children in our care as they are considered vulnerable. This is especially true for children with disabilities who are considered more at risk due to their inability to fully express what they may be feeling or experiencing. Below is a guide and some signs that could serve as early warning signals that a child might be experiencing abuse. These are not sole indicators and should be considered together with every child’s circumstance.