
Specific Learning Disorder

This is an umbrella term used to refer to a number of neurological conditions characterised by difficulties in the way an individual learns and processes information. This differs from learning disabilities because it exists independent of a person’s intelligence. The difficulty in processing information may be at the input stage i.e. the senses or points through which information gets to the brain, the integration stage i.e. how the brain is able to connect the information it is receiving and bringing it all together to have a meaning, the memory stage i.e. retaining the information received long enough to know what to do next with that information or lastly, output i.e. acting on the information received either by use of language or motor skills.

The conditions covered under specific learning disorder are:

  • Dyspraxia: This is a condition of gross and /or fine motor disorder. It is usually characterised by coordination difficulties and difficulty in carrying out activities such as getting dressed to walking and maintain a balance. It is common for dyspraxia to present itself with other comorbid difficulties such as social, emotional and behavioural challenges.
  • Dysgraphia: This is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to write as well as their perception of space- a situation where there is difficulty in the way the brain processes what the eyes see.
  • Dyslexia: Commonly referred to as reading disability, this is a difficulty in processing, storage and retrieval of information. It can be accompanied by memory problems.
  • Dyscalculia: Commonly called the numeracy disorder, this is a condition where an individual has difficulty processing numbers and numeracy concepts. The condition is characterised by inability to deal with price, quantities and time.

ADD/ADHD can also sometimes also be included as a specific learning disorder. Discuss any developmental concerns with your child’s paediatrician.

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