

Development Concerns

Although children develop at different rates, it is important to monitor and track a child’s development progress once they are born and as they grow. This gives the parent/carer an idea of what to expect at the various stages of development. The key things to bear in mind when tracking a child’s development are:

  • The trackers are only a guide. It is possible to have slight variations as to when a child achieves a milestone.
  • Emphasis is not on what milestone a child has achieved but that which a child has failed to achieve at any development stage.

If you have any concern about your child’s development, do not hesitate to consult your paediatrician as early detection and intervention is key to managing a lot of developmental conditions. Click here to download trackers or visit our blog to learn how other people are dealing with these concerns.


Behaviour Concerns

As children grow and develop, they learn how to express themselves and manage their emotions. Some they will observe and pick up while others will be taught to them. In order to communicate their needs or what they want, children can often result to methods which may be considered as challenging to the people around them but all of these are expected to improve over time. Unfortunately for some children, the challenging behaviour might get worse instead of better and might require additional intervention in order to control or manage. If you have behaviour concerns for your child, discuss your concerns with a paediatrician. Use the symptom checker to see if there is a potential underlying condition or visit our blog to learn how other people are dealing with these concerns.


Education Concerns

Every child has a different rate of learning and understanding new information. As a child progresses into an educational setting, it is possible that due to developmental challenges, the child will be unable to keep up with the learning pace or fully take advantage of the learning that is going on. This can result in a child having Special Educational Needs (SEN). Always discuss your educational concerns with your child’s paediatrician as well as the relevant educator. Visit our resources page to see which schools might be able to support your child or visit our blog to learn how other people are dealing with these concerns.


Family and Social Concerns

Every child is a part of a family unit which in turn is a part of a wider society. For this reason, it is impossible for any individual to exist in isolation. However, due to developmental challenges, a child might struggle with relationships both within the family and with other members of the society. Observe your child and discuss any concerns with your child’s paediatrician. Use the symptom checker to see if there is a potential underlying condition or visit our blog to learn how other people are dealing with these concerns.



